Half A Camel’s Instagram Method


More Exposure. More……


Last year, we doubled audience attendance at each of our venues by uniting them under the Half A Camel name and maximizing both physical and online exposure.

This year, with a refined Instagram strategy and a much stronger physical presence, we’re BIGGER, BETTER, FASTER, FUNNIER.

We’ve never done a Pre-Fringe promo campaign before, we’ve already had shows sold out and a lot of tickets are getting sold, shows normally don’t sell until the ru n up to the Fringe (15th Feb 2025)


Summary of The 3 Steps

So you you know which you can skip if you're an instagram influncer or know your shit when it comes to socials etc..

So you can skip if you already know, one or three but Step Two is the most important and most people aren’t aware of this issue.

STEP ONE - is how to colloaratre on posts.

Step Two - is how to share a story with a working ticket link

Step Three - is how to make your own highlight reel

…No more confusion, and more


The examlple below IS THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO DO to get your post on  HALF A CAMEL’S INSTAGRAM... Simply stucture your posts like this. The ✅’s are requird the rest, do what you like. 

1. Show Title
2. Bio or absolutely anything you want, it’s your post
✅ 3. Dates
5. Hashtags

How to Collaborate on Instagram Posts

Create a Post – Start by uploading your photo, video, or Reel as usual.
Tag People & Invite Collaborator – Before posting, tap "Tag people" and select "Invite collaborator."

Search & Select Collaborator – Type the username of the person you want to collaborate with and select them.

Post Goes Live on Both Profiles – Once accepted, the post will show on both accounts, sharing likes, comments, and views.

Collab on Reels Too! – The same method works for Reels—just follow the same steps.


Tap the Sticker Icon – Found at the top of the screen.

Select "Link" Sticker – A box will pop up to add your link.

Paste Your Ticket Link – Use your event’s ticket booking URL.

Customize the Sticker – Tap it to change the style and move it around, if recieving a story from Half A Camel just put it over the the one that doesn't work.

Post Your Story – Post it, you now have a story with a working ticket link like the one you recieved

How to Create Your Own Instagram Highlight

Go to Your Profile – Tap your profile picture at the bottom right.

Tap the “+” (New Highlight) – Located below your bio.

Select Stories – Choose past Stories you want to include in the Highlight.

Click “Next” – After selecting your Stories.

Name Your Highlight – Show Titile, The Date, use a camel emoji if you like, I use it a lot 🐪 

Choose a Cover Image – Select a Story frame or upload a custom image.

Tap “Add” or “Done” – Done