The 100 Commandments of Malice Snuffles, Our Clown Lord
Thou shalt not take thyself too seriously, for humor is found in absurdity.
Thou shalt laugh at the things that make thee uncomfortable, for discomfort is the birthplace of true comedy.
Thou shalt never shy away from the dark and dirty, for the filthy shall set thee free.
Thou shalt always push the boundaries of decency, for it is through pushing that we discover new depths of hilarity.
Thou shalt make jokes about things that others dare not mention, for in those things lies the greatest comedy.
Thou shalt embrace the awkward silence, for it is in the silence that the tension builds and the laughter erupts.
Thou shalt not fear the cringe, for it is the cringe that makes the joke truly powerful.
Thou shalt laugh at thy own misfortune, for the ability to laugh at oneself is the highest form of humor.
Thou shalt never repeat a joke more than once, unless it is so terrible that it becomes funny again.
Thou shalt never apologize for thy jokes, for to apologize is to deny the true power of comedy.
Thou shalt make jokes about anal sex, for it is a universal truth that will never fail to elicit laughter.
Thou shalt speak of kinks and fetishes with such detail that even the most seasoned comedians will cringe.
Thou shalt make the audience question their own morality, for in that discomfort lies the greatest humor.
Thou shalt tell jokes about bodily functions, for there is no greater comedy than that which involves the body.
Thou shalt embrace the absurd, for in the absurd is the heart of true comedy.
Thou shalt not fear offending others, for offense is the price we pay for laughter.
Thou shalt use props in the most inappropriate ways, for the unexpected is always the funniest.
Thou shalt never shy away from self-deprecation, for to laugh at oneself is the highest form of comedy.
Thou shalt always make the joke just a little too far, for that is where the magic happens.
Thou shalt never censor thyself, for true comedy comes from the uncensored mind.
Thou shalt embrace the awkwardness of the crowd, for their discomfort is thy greatest achievement.
Thou shalt make jokes about food, for food is both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt never be afraid to be the clown, for the clown is the true master of comedy.
Thou shalt tell the most disgusting jokes, for in the filth lies the purest form of laughter.
Thou shalt not fear the cringe, for the cringe is the soul of comedy.
Thou shalt embrace the awkward pause, for it is in the pause that the punchline is born.
Thou shalt always find humor in the mundane, for the mundane is the foundation of all comedy.
Thou shalt make jokes about sex, for sex is both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt always push the limits of good taste, for it is in bad taste that the best comedy is found.
Thou shalt never fear making the audience uncomfortable, for discomfort is the greatest tool in comedy.
Thou shalt make jokes about death, for death is the ultimate punchline.
Thou shalt never apologize for thy humor, for to apologize is to deny the power of the joke.
Thou shalt make jokes about relationships, for relationships are both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt never fear offending anyone, for the offended are the true audience of comedy.
Thou shalt embrace the dark side of humor, for it is in the darkness that true comedy thrives.
Thou shalt tell jokes about bodily fluids, for bodily fluids are both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt always find the humor in tragedy, for tragedy is the birthplace of comedy.
Thou shalt never shy away from the grotesque, for the grotesque is the true heart of comedy.
Thou shalt embrace the uncomfortable, for in discomfort lies the most honest laughter.
Thou shalt always be willing to laugh at the most inappropriate things, for the inappropriate is where the magic happens.
Thou shalt make jokes about mental illness, for mental illness is both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt never censor thy thoughts, for the uncensored mind is the birthplace of the best jokes.
Thou shalt always find humor in the darkest corners of the human experience.
Thou shalt make jokes about religion, for religion is both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt never fear the awkwardness of the crowd, for their discomfort is thy greatest achievement.
Thou shalt embrace the absurdity of life, for life itself is the greatest joke of all.
Thou shalt make jokes about bodily imperfections, for imperfections are both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt never fear making others uncomfortable, for discomfort is the true currency of comedy.
Thou shalt always find humor in the strange and unusual, for the strange and unusual are the foundation of all comedy.
Thou shalt make jokes about anything and everything, for there is no subject too sacred to mock.
Thou shalt always take risks with thy comedy, for it is through risk that true greatness is achieved.
Thou shalt never apologize for a joke, for a joke is never wrong, only misunderstood.
Thou shalt make jokes about politics, for politics is both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt never shy away from uncomfortable truths, for it is in truth that the best comedy is found.
Thou shalt make jokes about celebrities, for celebrities are both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt always find humor in the everyday struggles of life, for it is in the struggle that comedy is born.
Thou shalt never censor thyself, for to censor is to deny the very essence of comedy.
Thou shalt make jokes about family, for family is both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt always find humor in the most unexpected places.
Thou shalt make jokes about work, for work is both sacred and ridiculous.
Thou shalt never fear being the most inappropriate person in the room, for it is through being inappropriate that true comedy is born.