The Maris & Otter

A fresh venue for comedy, located on the busiest road in Brighton.

123 Western Road, BN1 2AB

A New Spot for Comedy

A brand new venue for this year’s Brighton Fringe, located on Western Road, right in the heart of the action. It’s a great place for comedy, with a welcoming atmosphere and a staff that knows how to keep things running smoothly. With its 45 seats and all the necessary equipment, it’s set up for a comfortable and enjoyable show.

“The Maris & Otter” – Brighton Fringe Backed

The Maris & Otter has earned a Brighton Fringe Bursary Award, which means it’s getting some extra marketing support from the Fringe itself. This helps give the venue and your show a bit of a boost. It’s a solid location with great acoustics, and the atmosphere is perfect for comedy.

A Hub for Live Entertainment

The Maris & Otter is already a thriving spot for all kinds of entertainment—open mic nights, live bands, quizzes, and more. But for the whole of May, this dynamic venue is dedicating itself entirely to comedy for the Brighton Fringe! The space will be transformed just for comedy, giving audiences and performers a chance to experience something truly special in the heart of Brighton.